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  • Can Slip Be Used on Bone Dry Clay? You’ll be Surprised

    Can Slip Be Used on Bone Dry Clay? You’ll be Surprised

    Clay slip is made from a mixture of clay and water.  It’s the magic tool in pottery that allows you to join pieces of clay, decorate them, and also to mend your pots now and then.  But can slip be used on bone dry clay, or does your clay need to be fresh or leather…

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  • Can You Use Air Dry Clay on a Potter’s Wheel? – My Review

    Can You Use Air Dry Clay on a Potter’s Wheel? – My Review

    The benefit of air dry clay is that it doesn’t need to be fired in a pottery kiln.  But can you use air dry clay on a potter’s wheel?  Or are you better off using it for hand building? Some air dry clays are made out of materials that feel and behave like plastic.  These…

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  • What is Bone Dry Clay?  And How To Tell If Clay is Bone Dry

    What is Bone Dry Clay? And How To Tell If Clay is Bone Dry

    To survive the firing process, your pottery needs to be bone-dry clay. Firing damp pottery can cause it to explode in the kiln. But what does bone dry mean and how can you tell if your clay is dry enough to fire? Clay is bone dry when it has lost all the moisture it possibly…

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  • 8 Reasons Pottery Clay Cracks When Drying & Solutions

    8 Reasons Pottery Clay Cracks When Drying & Solutions

    Pottery clay cracks when drying if some parts of the piece dry out more quickly than others. When clay dries, it shrinks. If one part of the clay is shrinking faster than the other, this puts an internal strain on the pottery. The clay cracks to cope with the strain.

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  • What is Flashing in Ceramics – And How is it Done?

    What is Flashing in Ceramics – And How is it Done?

    Flashing refers to changes in the color, pattern and texture of pottery.  It occurs naturally during firing when clay comes into contact with flame, wood ash or soda vapors.  However, it is now a sought-after decorative effect and can be achieved in modern kilns by using flashing slips. 

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  • Stack and Slam Wire Wedging | Your Wrists Will Thank You

    Stack and Slam Wire Wedging | Your Wrists Will Thank You

    You may find wedging clay tricky if you have any trouble with your wrists or hands.  I have had carpal tunnel in both hands, and I find most wedging techniques cause me trouble.  Stack and slam wedging is a godsend and makes wedging easy.  Plus, it’s quite enjoyable! Stack and slam wire wedging involves stacking…

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  • Oxidation and Reduction in Pottery – Made Simple!

    Oxidation and Reduction in Pottery – Made Simple!

    A lot of the articles and books about firing and glazes talk about oxidation and reduction firing.  These terms sound scientific and off-putting.  Because they are referring to chemical processes, they are complicated.  So, I decided to write an account of them that is understandable to all of us ‘non-chemists’.    Oxidation occurs when there is…

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  • 7 Pottery Firing Methods Commonly Used – With Images

    7 Pottery Firing Methods Commonly Used – With Images

    The beauty of firing clay is that each method is different from the next.  Firing methods range from high-tech digitally controlled and monitored kilns to homemade brick kilns packed with sawdust and leaves.  This article will give an easy-to-understand account of 7 of the most common methods of firing clay.  The methods covered are electric,…

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  • Can You Mix Different Types of Clay? Combining Clay

    Can You Mix Different Types of Clay? Combining Clay

    There are lots of different types of clay and a range of clay bodies to choose from.  But, can you mix different types of clay together?  Will it create a lovely clay cocktail or a clay catastrophe?  Yes, you can mix different types of clay.  But, these clays must fire at a similar temperature and…

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