Pottery therapy is one aspect of working with clay that doesn’t get the attention that it deserves. Pottery and other clay products are a staple in many homes and buildings today. From the aesthetic appeal that they can bring to spaces to their functional applications, the reasons for that are not farfetched. However, working with…
Take it from someone who has been there: pottery can look intimidating from the outside. If you were considering how to become a potter, standing in awe of these magnificent ceramic creations could make you rethink your choices – and if you are cut out for this in the first place. Becoming a potter is…
The pinching technique can be used to make exquisite pottery and artwork. Here are 12 pinch pot artists, who demonstrate how refined and creative the pinching technique can be. The breadth and diversity of their work illustrates how versatile pinching clay as a method of hand building can be. The following pinch pot artists are…
Making a pinch pot mug is simple, and like anything the more you practice the easier it will become. Once you have mastered the pinching technique you can get creative and find your style. In this article, I will show you my two favorite ways to make a pinch pot mug. This is a…
Making pinch pottery is very tactile. As you pinch your pot you will feel the thickness of the clay between your fingers and thumb. But just how thick should a pinch pot be? Exactly how thick you want your pinch pot to be is a matter of personal choice and taste. However, there are a…
Pinch pots are one of the oldest ways of making pottery. There is evidence that pinch pot history starts many thousands of years ago. The simplicity of the technique has survived over the millennia. When I discovered that pinch pots were being made as far back as the Neolithic era, I was oddly reassured. …
Pinch pots are one of the easiest and fastest ways of hand building pottery. Once you have mastered the basic pinch pot technique you can use it to make a lot of clay projects. So, I thought I’d write a step-by-step guide on how to make a pinch pot. In this article, I start off…
I had been thinking about running some pottery classes. And one of the questions on my mind was how to provide a wheelchair accessible pottery wheel. So, I started looking into it and this is what I found out. You can buy a wheel that is specifically designed to be wheelchair accessible, however, these are…
I decided to buy a table top pottery wheel. The two most highly recommended table top pottery wheels I could find, are the Shimpo Aspire and the Speedball Artista. But which one is the best? I wanted a table top pottery wheel that I could put in the back of my car, and transport easily. …