I love the old-fashioned combination of a jug and wash bowl. They add vintage charm to a room or add a modern twist. This is a simple step-by-step guide on making a jug and wash bowl using the slab pottery technique with a printable template. Making The Jug & Wash Bowl If you want to…
A donut vase is a vase with a hole in the center. You can make them on the potter’s wheel, but you can also build them by hand using the slab pottery technique. Here is how I make an elegant donut vase, using a printable pottery template. If you like the style of the vase…
This step by step guide is an overview of how to make a square based slab mug by hand. If you would like to give it a try, you can get a copy of the template in my Etsy store here… Get the Template Here You can get a copy of this template (and my…
This is a step by step guide on how to make a bellied slab mug using a slab pottery template. You can decorate this mug in lots of different ways. Here I am making a mug with a smooth surface and also a textured surface too. This is what the mugs look like when they…
This is how I make a wide rimmed slab mug, using a printable template. Making a Wide Rimmed Slab Mug Step-by-Step When you are making slab pottery, it can help a lot to use a template. I use a template that I designed to make this wide rimmed slab mug. You can download a printable…
I made this slab pottery teapot, using a template that I designed. If you’d like to follow along with the instructions, you can get a copy of the template at my Etsy store here. Alternatively, you can design your template and use this article’s slabbing techniques. There will be a section later about creating your…
Making pottery can be tough on your hands and fingernails. Clay can dry out your skin and your nails. Also, clay is abrasive, which can make your nails thinner. So, how do you protect your nails when making pottery and ceramics? Fortunately, all is not lost. I’m someone with naturally thin nails. Even before I…
Making a clay vase is a fun project and they can become the centerpiece in a room. These three clay vase ideas are easy to make and can look lovely. Plus, they are made from printable slab templates which makes it easier to produce a well-proportioned piece. Clay Vase Ideas Using the Slab Technique Let’s…
Nerikomi pottery is a particular way of working with colored clay to create striking patterns. In this article, we will look at 3 simple ways to create beautiful Nerikomi patterns. One technique I will cover is how I make Nerikomi plates, which you can watch in my video here.. What is Nerikomi Pottery? Nerikomi pottery is…
One of the most common names used to refer to someone who makes pottery is the word ‘potter’. However, not everyone who makes pottery uses this particular word to describe themselves. There are a number of terms in use. So, what do you call someone who makes pottery? There are a number of terms used…
Joining pieces of clay can be tricky. Clay seams can split or crack as the clay dries or is fired and handles can separate. Luckily there are a number of things you can do to prevent this from happening. A simple way to avoid cracked joints in clay is to make some magic water for…
This is an easy-to-follow step-by-step guide on how to make a ceramic slab box. Once you have learned the process below you can adapt it to make boxes in any shape, size, and design. In this guide, I will cover how to make a simple slab box, and a textured slab box too. This is…