If you’re reading this article, you’ve probably heard the term ‘clay slab’ being used and wondered exactly what it meant. So, what is a slab in ceramics? A clay slab is a portion of clay that has been flattened into a sheet. Clay slabs are most often made by using a rolling pin or a…
One of the best ways to make slab pottery look well-crafted is to start off using a nice evenly rolled slab of clay. There are a number of ways to make a clay slab. In this article, I will look at 4 of the easiest techniques, and go into exactly how to roll clay evenly. …
Slab built mugs can be lovely to look at and a pleasure to use. And yet, making a well-crafted slab mug is a simple process. The basic technique for making slab mugs is the simple cylinder mug. Once you know how to make a cylinder mug, you can build on this and make a whole…
Whilst you can freestyle it when making slab pottery, it often works out best when you use a template. And mugs are no exception to this. So, I’ve put together this guide which covers some of the best and easiest ways to make slab pottery mug templates. I will be covering how to make templates…
I’m in the habit of giving my bisque pottery a wipe down with a damp sponge before glazing. But I recently read that some potters never wipe or wash down their bisque ware. I wanted to know if I was wasting my time, so I looked into the pros and cons of washing bisqueware, and…
Clay is one of nature’s most incredible building blocks. You can make almost anything out of clay. It is very versatile and once you grasp a few key ceramic techniques, you can make almost anything. If you are learning how to work with clay, here are some of the most important ceramic techniques to try…
Pottery, clay, and ceramics lend themselves well to a fancy well-crafted turn of phrase. I love a good quote, so I decided to collect together some of the best pottery quotes I had come across. I hope you find some inspiration or at least amusement from the 100 pottery quotes that follow. Pottery Quotes to…
The potter’s wheel as we know it today has been on a long journey over 1000’s of years. It has developed from the most basic form of rotating device to the electrical pottery wheels, most potters use now. But exactly how and where did these changes take place, and what exactly is the potter’s wheel…
An experienced potter can make throwing pottery on a wheel look effortless. But what is going on when pottery is being made on the wheel, and exactly how does a pottery wheel work? This post takes a look at how pottery is thrown, and how a pottery wheel works. A pottery wheel has a circular…
If you like hand building pottery, then learning how to make a double pinch pot is a game-changer. It’s a simple technique, but once you have mastered it, you can use it to make almost any pottery form. I use the double pinch pot to make teapots, vases, jugs, and pitchers. In this post, I…
Wedging clay is a very good idea if you are making pottery on a potter’s wheel. But is it do you have to wedge clay when you are hand building your pottery? I love hand building pottery and I don’t love wedging! So, it was one of the questions I wondered about when I began…
Plates can be a little tricky to make. Actually making the plate is the easy bit, but problems can arise when you dry and fire the plate. One problem that you might encounter when you make plates or other flat-bottomed pottery is S cracks. But what exactly is an S crack? S cracks in pottery…