If you like hand building pottery, then learning how to make a double pinch pot is a game-changer. It’s a simple technique, but once you have mastered it, you can use it to make almost any pottery form. I use the double pinch pot to make teapots, vases, jugs, and pitchers. In this post, I…
Wedging clay is a very good idea if you are making pottery on a potter’s wheel. But is it do you have to wedge clay when you are hand building your pottery? I love hand building pottery and I don’t love wedging! So, it was one of the questions I wondered about when I began…
This is a step-by-step guide on how to make a teapot. Making a clay teapot is actually quite a simple process. But it’s extremely satisfying. There are few things as nice to make in pottery as a nicely shaped teapot. Plus, at the end of it, you get to enjoy a nice cup of tea…. …
The pinching technique can be used to make exquisite pottery and artwork. Here are 12 pinch pot artists, who demonstrate how refined and creative the pinching technique can be. The breadth and diversity of their work illustrates how versatile pinching clay as a method of hand building can be. The following pinch pot artists are…
Making a pinch pot mug is simple, and like anything the more you practice the easier it will become. Once you have mastered the pinching technique you can get creative and find your style. In this article, I will show you my two favorite ways to make a pinch pot mug. This is a…
Making pinch pottery is very tactile. As you pinch your pot you will feel the thickness of the clay between your fingers and thumb. But just how thick should a pinch pot be? Exactly how thick you want your pinch pot to be is a matter of personal choice and taste. However, there are a…
Pinch pots are one of the easiest and fastest ways of hand building pottery. Once you have mastered the basic pinch pot technique you can use it to make a lot of clay projects. So, I thought I’d write a step-by-step guide on how to make a pinch pot. In this article, I start off…
Pottery for beginners can be very exciting. It can also feel a bit overwhelming. It can seem like there is a lot to learn. And like most hobbies, the more you learn, the more you realize you don’t know. But pottery is really just about making things out of mud! All you really need to…
Coil pottery is a diverse technique that has been adapted to suit the styles of a wide range of ceramic artists. This article takes a look at some famous coil pottery artists and their own individual way of hand-building pottery. You will see that the methods used and the ceramics produced vary widely between each…
When making smooth coil pots, the coiling method is used to construct the pot. However, the coils themselves are smoothed away, rather than left as part of the decorative design of the pot. You can make smooth coil pots either with a template or without. This article will give you a step-by-step guide for each…
This article is a step-by-step guide on how to make easy coil pots. The basic coil pottery technique is versatile. Once you have got the hang of coiling you use these skills to make all sorts of hand-built pottery. However simple coil pots can in themselves look great, especially if they are well made. So,…
Coil pottery is a great way to hand-build pots. You can make lovely, strong pots with character and individuality using simple coiling methods. This article is a step-by-step guide on how to make coil pots. I will look at 5 different coil pottery techniques so you can experiment and decide which one you enjoy most. …