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  • Is Bone China Expensive? – The Price of Ceramic Beauty

    Is Bone China Expensive? – The Price of Ceramic Beauty

    Porcelains range drastically in terms of quality, design, manufacturing process, and price. One type of porcelain that is very popular is bone china. It is the most elegant and opulent dinnerware material, with a dazzling white color, high transparency, and robustness. It brings high-end classical and contemporary style to any table. But, with its reputation…

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  • Bone China Vs Porcelain -A Close Look at the Differences

    Bone China Vs Porcelain -A Close Look at the Differences

    Since bone china is technically a type of porcelain, it can be difficult for some people to distinguish between the two. However, several key differences exist. This article compares bone china vs porcelain, looking at some similarities and differences between the two. The key difference between porcelain and bone china is that porcelain does not…

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  • What is Bone China? – The Truth About Bone China

    What is Bone China? – The Truth About Bone China

    Ceramic products were initially invented and widely used in China before spreading globally. You might have come across the name bone china while shopping around for kitchenware. But what is bone china exactly, and why are its products costly? Bone china is a type of ceramic made from finely ground bone ash mixed with feldspar…

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  • How To Make a Teapot – An Easy Step by Step Guide

    How To Make a Teapot – An Easy Step by Step Guide

    This is a step-by-step guide on how to make a teapot.  Making a clay teapot is actually quite a simple process.  But it’s extremely satisfying.  There are few things as nice to make in pottery as a nicely shaped teapot.  Plus, at the end of it, you get to enjoy a nice cup of tea…. …

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  • Pottery Kiln for Beginners –12 Tips on Buying a Kiln

    Pottery Kiln for Beginners –12 Tips on Buying a Kiln

    Buying a pottery kiln can feel a little overwhelming.  There are lots of models and types of kilns and it can be hard to know where to start.  So, what is the best pottery kiln for beginners?  This article aims to look at your options and help you decide which kiln will suit you best.…

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  • How Long do Kiln Elements Last? – How Many Firings?

    How Long do Kiln Elements Last? – How Many Firings?

    One of the inevitable costs of owning a kiln is changing the elements now and then.  But how long do kiln elements last?  And how much will it cost each time you need to change them?  These are good questions if you’re trying to work out how much it’s going to cost to maintain your…

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  • What Does a Potter Do?  A Day in the Life of a Potter

    What Does a Potter Do? A Day in the Life of a Potter

    If you like making things out of clay, you may have thought about honing your skill and becoming a potter.  But what does a potter do?  And what is their working life like day-to-day?  Here is all you need to know about the work and life of a potter.  And what you can expect if…

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  • Is Porcelain Oven Safe? – Using Porcelain in the Oven

    Is Porcelain Oven Safe? – Using Porcelain in the Oven

    I admit it, I’m a thrift store junkie.  Recently I picked up a beautiful second-hand porcelain dish in a thrift store.  It’s certainly large enough to cook a casserole in, but it got me wondering, is porcelain oven safe?  So, I looked into it carefully and discovered the following… Modern kitchenware that has been made…

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  • What Temperature to Fire Terra Sigillata? | What Works Best?

    What Temperature to Fire Terra Sigillata? | What Works Best?

    If you are starting to use terra sigillata, it’s most likely that you have made your own batch.  But perhaps you are wondering what temperature to fire terra sigillata.  After all, if you have made your own, you won’t have any manufacturers firing guidelines!  There is quite a variety of opinions about the temperature to…

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